Enlighten Your Grow Launches Webinar Series on Energy Costs for Indoor Farmers

PRESS RELEASE: Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Enlighten Your Grow Launches Webinar Series on Energy Costs for Indoor Farmers

Sessions Will Feature Top Energy Professionals Covering Timely Energy Cost Topics for the Cannabis Industry

Portland, Maine: Climate Resources Group’s energy and sustainability offering Enlighten Your Grow today announced its Energy Cost Reduction Webinar Series, a new series of no-cost lunchtime webinars aimed at providing indoor horticultural and cannabis enterprises with actionable information to reduce their power costs.

Over the course of the Energy Cost Reduction Webinar Series this spring and summer, attendees will hear useful educational content that will help them understand billing and operational strategies they can pursue to reduce their energy expenses.

The Energy Cost Reduction Webinar Series is part of Enlighten Your Grow’s broader Leafy Seminars Cannabis Education Initiative.

Starting with the kickoff webinar on Wednesday, April 6 at noon ET with Max Stewart and Matt Stasium from Atlas Retail Energy, the series will cover the following topics:

  • Energy Pricing 101: How We Got Here and Where Are We Going
  • Strategies To Mitigate Against Price Shock Risk
  • Gutsy Power Procurement Strategies with Massive Upside Potential
  • Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Via Power Purchase Opportunities
  • Grow Room Strategies that Can Save Cultivators Energy
  • Electricity Pricing Myths Busted
  • How/If Cannabis Cultivators Can Use Solar to Cut Energy Bills
  • Finding Hidden Cash in Your Utility Bills

“Commercial energy customers are getting hammered with higher-than-ever energy bills. Because energy is often an indoor grower’s largest cost item, it is critical that the cannabis community has ready access to knowledge that can help them become more profitable and viable in the long term,” says Enlighten Your Grow’s Principal Sam Milton. “For many businesses, any reduction in their annual power bill can bring multiple benefits, especially if they are able to smartly incorporate broader energy efficiency measures into their cost-reduction strategies.”

Max Stewart of Atlas Retail Energy adds, “The Atlas team is thrilled to be participating in this upcoming webinar series by providing context to the current market and valuable information for planning purposes. Keeping energy costs in check and optimizing for future opportunities is a critical aspect of remaining competitive in an increasingly crowded vertical.”

Benefits of the Energy Cost Reduction Webinar Series include:

  • Access to a wealth of up-to-date information from top professionals at no cost
  • Probing and facilitated live discussion and public Q&A
  • Current and practical information about strategies that growers can adopt today
  • Direct access to speakers for hands-on energy-cost-reduction consultation

The Energy Cost Reduction Webinar Series launches on Wednesday, April 6 at noon ET. For more information and to register, visit www.LeafySeminars.com.

About Enlighten Your Grow: Enlighten Your Grow is a program of Climate Resources Group, a Maine-based company working with organizations nationwide to reduce their energy and environmental footprint. Enlighten Your Grow works uniquely with indoor horticultural clients and has enabled nearly dozens of growers to meet energy compliance while facilitating over $1 million in energy efficiency incentives across the country.
